Bank or Building Society
| Account Name | Interest % | Access To Funds | Minimum Investment ($) |
Nationwide International | US Dollar Bonus Access Account
| 1.00% | Includes bonus for 1st yr | 25,000 | HSBC International | Premier Fixed Deposit Account - 1 Year
| 0.70000 | 1 Year | 1,000,000 | HSBC International | Fixed Deposit Account - 1 Year
| 0.65000 | 1 Year | 250,000 | HSBC International | Premier Fixed Deposit Account - 6 Mths
| 0.56750 | 6 Months | 1,000,000 | HSBC International | Fixed Deposit Account - 6 Mths
| 0.52750 | 6 Months | 250,000 | Bank Of India | 12 Months Term Deposit Account
| 0.5000 | Fixed Rate | 0 | Bank Of India | 6 Months Term Deposit Account
| 0.4000 | Fixed Rate | 0 | NM Rothschild & Co (CI) | Fixed Rate Deposit - 12 Month
| 0.4000 | Fixed Rate | 1,000,000 | HSBC International | Premier Fixed Deposit Account - 3 Mths
| 0.38750 | 3 Months | 1,000,000 | HSBC International | Fixed Deposit Account - 3 Mths
| 0.34750 | 3 Month | 250,000 | Bank Of India | 3 Month Term Deposit Account
| 0.3000 | Fixed | 0 | HSBC International | Premier Fixed Deposit Account - 1 Mth
| 0.24750 | 1 Month | 1,000,000 | HSBC International | Fixed Deposit Account - 1 Mth
| 0.20750 | 1 Month | 250,000 | Bank Of India | 1 Month Term Deposit Account
| 0.1500 | Fixed | 0 | Royal Bank of Canada | Fixed Term Deposit US Dollar - 1 Year
| 0.150 | Fixed Term | 750,000 | NM Rothschild & Co (CI) | Fixed Rate Deposit - 6 Month
| 0.1200 | Fixed Rate | 1,000,000 | Royal Bank of Canada | Fixed Term Deposit US Dollar - 6 Month
| 0.100 | Fixed Term | 750,000 | HSBC International | Premier Online Bonus Saver Account
| 0.08 | Incl bonus. No notice | 5,000 | HSBC International | Online Bonus Saver Account
| 0.05 | Incl bonus. No notice | 5,000 | NM Rothschild & Co (CI) | Fixed Rate Deposit - 1 Week
| 0.0500 | Fixed Rate | 1,000,000 | NM Rothschild & Co (CI) | Fixed Rate Deposit - 1 Month
| 0.0500 | Fixed Rate | 1,000,000 | NM Rothschild & Co (CI) | Fixed Rate Deposit - 3 Month
| 0.0500 | Fixed Rate | 1,000,000 | Royal Bank of Canada | Fixed Term Deposit US Dollar - 3 Month
| 0.050 | Fixed Term | 750,000 | Standard Chartered | International Access
| 0.0100 | No Notice | 750,000 | HSBC International | Premier Saver Account
| 0.00 | No Notice | 250,000 | HSBC International | Serious Saver Advance Account
| 0.00 | No Notice | 250,000 | Royal Bank of Canada | Fixed Term Deposit US Dollar - 7 Days
| 0.000 | Fixed Term | 750,000 | Royal Bank of Canada | Fixed Term Deposit US Dollar - 1 Month
| 0.000 | Fixed Term | 750,000 | Royal Bank of Canada | Fixed Term Deposit US Dollar - 2 Month
| 0.000 | Fixed Term | 750,000 |